Saturday, 19 September 2015

Android Application Development in 15 Minutes

The Android system software stack is typically divided into the four areas as the following graphic:

1.      Android Software Development Kit (Android SDK) contains the necessary tools to create, compile and package Android applications
2.     Android debug bridge (adb), which is a tool that allows you to connect to a virtual or real Android device
3.     Google provides two integrated development environments (IDEs) to develop new applications.
4.     Android Developer Tools (ADT) are based on the Eclipse IDE
5.     Android Studio based on the IntelliJ IDE
6.     Android RunTime (ART) uses Ahead Of Time compilation, and optional runtime for Android 4.4
7.     Android Virtual Device (AVD) - The Android SDK contains an Android device emulator. This emulator can be used to run an Android Virtual Device (AVD), which emulates a real Android phone
8.    Dalvik Virtual Machine (Dalvik)-
9.     The Android system uses a special virtual machine, Dalvik, to run Java-based applications. Dalvik uses a custom bytecode format which is different from Java bytecode.
10.Therefore you cannot run Java class files on Android directly; they need to be converted into the Dalvik bytecode format.
This post will be for beginners on Android applications, and will teach you fast mobile application development from Android Developer Tools (ADT) based on the Eclipse IDE.
1. Start ADT and then go file—> new –> Android Applications Project

2. Follow the wizard with give project name (other values can be defaults as it is)
3. You will get below project structure
4. As below UI, you can drag and drop text-edit and button
In this sample we will added button action to pick text in text-field that mobile user entering to to above text label to show.
5.  Go to text mode of above UI (res/layout/fragment_main.xml) and added below line to button, to pick action when button is click
6. Then write a function in in 'src'
** Called when the user touches the button
    publicvoid sendMessage(View view) {

      // Do something in response to button click           

7. No we will write code to read string on text-field and added to text label
/** Called when the user touches the button */

publicvoid sendMessage(View view) {

    // Do something in response to button click

    EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;

    TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;

    //getting string from edit text field

    String name = editText.getText().toString();

    //adding string to text view / text label



8. Now run application in phone and see is it working as we expected. You can use a hardware device to run it for tests also, and this post shows how: ‘Using Hardware Devices to Run Android App from IDE.’

 Log message also to know, simple. You can add a log as below to your java method
Log.v("EditText", editText.getText().toString());
  • tag: Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs
  • msg: The message you would like logged
Log filtering can be done by
  • ASSERT  - The println method.
  • DEBUG  - The println method; use Log.d.
  • ERROR  - The println method; use Log.e.
  • INFO  - The println method; use Log.i.
  • VERBOSE  - The println method; use Log.v.
  • WARN  - The println method; use Log.w.
look console log from PC